Competitor Analysis


Get a Competitor Analysis Report if You:

  • Feel like you may be losing ground to your competitors but aren’t sure why
  • Haven’t budged in your rankings and want to know if you have a chance
  • Want to gain that “almost unfair” advantage over your rivalsDetails:
    • Analyzes your top three competitors’ websites – including architecture, setup, and best practices
    • Evaluates their keyword rankings
    • Explores their top-performing organic pages and content
    • Provides a detailed breakdown of the findings along with “where-to-win” recommendations


To find the right way ahead for an SEO campaign, it’s important to understand what our competition is doing. The Cabéza Digital Competitor Analysis is done to understand your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses compared to your own and find a gap in the market. By identifying what they’re doing right, you can match them step for step. Catching what they aren’t doing right – and you can REALLY gain an advantage.

The Competitor Analysis:

  • Analyzes your top three competitors’ websites – including architecture, setup, and best practices
  • Evaluates their keyword rankings
  • Explores their top-performing organic pages and content
  • Provides a detailed breakdown of the findings along with “where-to-win” recommendations


Get a Competitor Analysis Report if You:

  • Feel like you may be losing ground to your competitors but aren’t sure why
  • Haven’t budged in your rankings and want to know if you have a chance
  • Want to gain that “almost unfair” advantage over your rivals 

    How It Works

    We’ll reach out to you for a list of your top 3 competitors along with some additional information needed. Then over the course of a week, we’ll conduct a thorough review to identify and compare key areas of their online presence versus yours. We’ll compile all of our findings and action items into a report and deliver recommendations on areas where your website can perform better as well as what areas to highlight or promote to outdo the competition.


    • Service industry type (this type of analysis is not conducive to eCommerce)
    • Less than 20 website pages (larger sites may require additional charges)
    • List of your top three competitors*

    *If you would like us to audit additional competitors, please contact us for special pricing.


    Competitor Analysis includes

    • Detailed Analysis on 6 high level parameters
      • Business
      • Content
      • Lead generation
      • Local SEO
      • On Page and Off Page SEO
    • Side by side comparison on 35+ in depth parameters
    • Improvement Recommendations to help you get started
    • Comprehensive 6 page data studio report


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